
Selling on Etsy

Learn How to Sell on Etsy

What can you sell?


Handmade by you.


20 years or older.


Commercial and handmade supplies.

Not allowed

Anything that doesn't fit in one of the three categories.
Handmade goods created by someone else.
Illegal or prohibited items.

How does it work?

List item

You list the item on Etsy for a fee.

Get paid

Shoppers find your item and pay you directly.

Ship item

You ship the item to your customer.

Why sell on Etsy?

Vibrant community. When you join Etsy, you’re joining a community of helpful, knowledgeable sellers. You can share ideas in the Etsy Forums, collaborate with other Etsians on an Etsy Team or attend an online workshop.
Active buyers. Etsy shoppers are looking for handmade goods, vintage items and craft supplies. Reach the ideal customer for your products when you sell on Etsy.
Getting started is easy. Setting up shop on Etsy is easy and takes only a few minutes. You can customize your shop with a banner, profile, shop policies and more.
You’ll get your own URL for your shop based on your username,
Online safety. Etsy values your safety and privacy. We won't share your email address with anyone. All sensitive information, such as billing information, is encrypted using secure socket layer technology (SSL). For more information, read our Privacy Policy.

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